Swiss Polar Institute Flagship Initiatives Launch Event

Swiss Polar Institute Flagship Initiatives Launch Event

The official launch of the Swiss Polar Institute Flagship Initiatives is taking place on 18 May 2022 at 17h00, in Bern. 

At this occasion, the concept and vision of the two SPI Flagship Initiatives and their scientific programme is presented to 49 in-person participants and 50 participants from all over the world following the event live by online streaming.

PAMIR is one of the two SPI Flagship Initiatives which was selected for funding, while the second programme, led by Prof. Julia Schmale (EPFL) is called GreenFjord: Greenlandic Fjord ecosystems in a changing climate: Socio-cultural and environmental interactions. You can find more information about GreenFjord at

Learn more about the two SPI Flagship Initiatives PAMIR and GreenFjord and watch the video of the event here.